Monthly Recorded Family Business Communication Consultation, Networking, and FUN!!!!

Are you running your business with a family partner, life partner, child, sibling, or someone else you have a multiple dual illogical, emotional, and sometimes even an irrational relationship? Well you are in the right place!!! You are not alone!!! And you may feel crazy or think your business partners are crazy AND I’m here to help you dance through the land mines with compassion, Love, and a whole lot of playfulness!!! The financial and family stakes are high. Come get the support and the tools to have it all.
Every month DrBeth will talk about different family triggers and how they impact ROI, Health, Fun, Friends, and Family etc.

Share challenges
Share tools
Share recourses
Share super tips and most importantly
Share support.

Join a monthly community to enjoy emotional and business networking with similar circumstance and challenges.
Traditional Business Consulting Advise does not always have the same impact in a family owned business. Just saying!!! : )
Join us on Zoom any time, sometimes we will also meet live and in person, and you can always join by phone and listen in on how to have fun and profitable in business and with your family – How good can you stand it!!!!!???? : )

If you miss it live, recordings will be available.

We meet the first Thursday of the month at 5:00 PST. The next month meeting February 7th, the specialty will be discussing transitioning your business to your adult child and triggers with Adult Children.

Easier said than done!!! Quite often the Parents want the child to do it their way or else with spoken and unspoken conditions and expectations. Many Adult Children tell me they want the parents to let go, fly be free or they don’t want the business, PERIOD.

This stalemate can create a Lose / Lose and years of investment and purposeful building can be flushed down the drain as well as destroy a loving family relationship in the process – not to mention challenges with seeing your grand children. There is another way – Win / Win or no deal!!!

Pay $20 Monthly

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Come find out the difference between Old Game Boomers and New Game Millennials.

Find out the difference between adversarial communication and advocate communication.


What People Are Saying

“ I was so impressed with Beth’s ability to move people in a positive direction… The strongest component of an educational process is not the program but the PERSON presenting the subject in a way people want and do learn. This Beth does with the best of teachers.” Marcy McGuire

Maguire Companies Inc.

“ …thank you for your contributions to the Standards For Excellence Process. Our wholesale and retail organizations continue to improve Cadillac’s performance and we are setting new records for Customer Service.”

John Grettenberger

Gen. Mgr., GM Corporation

“WOW!.. the feedback was fantastic. We just had our most successful sale in our history. You’ve been a great source of encouragement for the positive changes taking place here…”

Lori Bouquet

General Sales MGR, Roe Motors

“I want to personally thank you for your part in making Customer One Phase I – a world class success. I applaud your professionalism and appreciate your facilitation and presentation skills.”

Rita Long

Chrysler’s Customer One

Pay $20 Monthly

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